Monday, September 18, 2017

Bumping into David...Surprise

One of the highlights of my Australian holiday was running into David by surprise, surprise....accident. Just walking around the CBD all of a sudden he was just 10 feet away. My jaw dropped when I spotted David.....and I could see on his face he felt the same way. We both had big smiles on our faces....hugging each other as it was a massive surprise. I quickly introduced David to Tobi and the other way around.

David and I caught up on a couple of news out of our lives. As we quickly realised there is so much to talk about and not enough time, we arranged another meeting of course "at home". So I was already looking forward to meet David again.....and of course Margaret & Laurie.

That was just a perfect start to my holiday, totally unexpected but therefore a moment I will always remember and cherish.

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