Monday, September 25, 2017

Day Trips in and around Perth

Each day we planed on going to one of the hotspots and places I loved while living in Perth. Showing those places to Tobi meant a lot to me so it was my pleasure to show him "my" city of Perth. Weather we just went for a walk around Joondalup at lake Joondalup or went to the CBD, Kings Park or going to Fremantle, I thoroughly enjoyed all those places all over again.

Of course we also indulged into the Australian Cuisine or just having a divine coffee (take away) which you get at every corner around here or just snacking away everything felt like being on vacation. No cloud in the sky and nothing to worry about we totally enjoyed every bit and every day.

We also made plans on traveling up north to Broome to stay a couple of days at a resort and going to explore the south west of WA. Both upcoming adventures would be a first for me so even I got excited to see something new.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Bumping into David...Surprise

One of the highlights of my Australian holiday was running into David by surprise, surprise....accident. Just walking around the CBD all of a sudden he was just 10 feet away. My jaw dropped when I spotted David.....and I could see on his face he felt the same way. We both had big smiles on our faces....hugging each other as it was a massive surprise. I quickly introduced David to Tobi and the other way around.

David and I caught up on a couple of news out of our lives. As we quickly realised there is so much to talk about and not enough time, we arranged another meeting of course "at home". So I was already looking forward to meet David again.....and of course Margaret & Laurie.

That was just a perfect start to my holiday, totally unexpected but therefore a moment I will always remember and cherish.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Welcome "Home" - being back in Perth

After more than 2 years I find my way back to Perth and what can I say, it feels like going Home. I'm so excited to see what has happened since I left. I'm even more excited about catching up with my friends & family.

Getting picked up by my Bestie Theresa from the airport is the first highlight and off we go, we are about to start our Australian holiday. It kind of feels wired talking about a holiday in Australia considering living in Perth for almost 12 years. Could I say I was almost 12 years on holiday?!?

Anyways, after a good night sleep we kicked off the day with a typical Aussie breaky at "Dome" followed by going to the Shopping Centre (have I ever mentioned before that Sunday Shopping is so normal in Australia) catching up with my other Bestie Cynthia and enjoying a long overdue damn good massage at a Chinese Massage place, how I missed those great massages over the past 2 years.

All these tensions in my body gone it was time for yet another feast and a great coffee. By the way the coffee culture in Perth is not at a stand still and so I just found out about a great new beverage which is called  "long mac topped up" which is basically a long macchiato with milk topped up to the rim. I also have to mention at this stage that unlike Germany Australia has a great coffee culture.

So, for the first day back in Perth I was with my friends Theresa & Cynthia and my other half got to know an ordinary Sunday with the girls. He was blown away by all the new things he experienced so far...and this is only the beginning, there is more to come which is far more exciting than just a usual Sunday.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Packing for "Down Under"

How exiting, I'm finally packing the suitcases to get to our well-deserved vacation. Let's go to Australia. Having relocated back to Germany in 2015 I was even more exited to visit or should I say return to my adapted home Australia, in fact Perth. I can honestly say I've missed you and I can't wait to touch down. I hope everything is in order, passports, Visa I have not time for any surprise or mishaps. One more night and we will be on our way.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Pre-birthday cake with the Oldies

As my birthday falls on a Wednesday this year and the Saturday following we will be already in Perth I thought we can enjoy the birthday cake the weekend before. So we invited the "Oldies", my parents to help here and there as we also just moved into our house a week earlier. There was still plenty of work to be done, some boxes needed to be unpacked and some electrical work also need to be performed.

Still, there was time to celebrate my upcoming birthday and even more exciting was that in a couple of days we are going to fly (back) to Perth, Australia. After almost 2 years being absent from Down Under I couldn't wait to hit the ground. Anyway, this is still a couple of days away before we go on that adventure.