Saturday, December 24, 2016

Merry X-mas to everyone around the world

Another year is coming to an end and around that time families and friends come together to celebrate Christmas. So I'm heading to woop woop to celebrate Christmas with my parents, brother and niece & nephew, how special this will be, surrounded by your loved ones. All presents are wrapped and we are on our way.

This Christmas will also be the first time I ever attempt to roast a duck, like the typical Christmas dinner. The bird is already in the freezer and is just waiting for me to take out and get started. I'm looking forward to how it will turn out. The backup plan however is, Mum is preparing goose & duck drumsticks, in case I fail...not going to happen!

Well, it's time to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, lots of love and happiness.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Going to Prague...

As for my birthday nothing special was planend apart from a lovely dinner at a Brazilian Restaurant. It was decided to go to Prague followed by going to Switzerland to visit my brother and nephew & niece. Just after crossing the border to the Czech Republic considering the heights it was all of the sudden so foggy, I could not see further than fifty meters afar. As fast as the fog came so fast it was also gone...and the weather turned clear and sunny to get to the destination, the Rohan Boat Prague hotel.

For the next couple of days lots of sightseeing was planned and so we booked a tour, by bus, on foot and on the boat all in one day. At the end of that day being exhausted describes my wellbeing only mildly. However it was just wonderful to do the tour, hearing about the history and how well looked after the old city is kept. I was really impressed of how clean everything looked, unlike Berlin....sorry.

Other than sightseeing, food was of course on the list to try out, traditional Czech food which I remember from my first trip to Prague 20 years ago. So I had to try "Knödel" again and I had those every day different ways. If you go to Prague or Czech Republic you just need to have those Knödel. To top it off a Thai Massage was on the list, which I spontaneously decided to walk in, considering how much walking was done the days before. 

To sum it up, it was a brilliant getaway marking the occasion, fantastic hotel inclusive people, service and food. Prague is so worthy to be visited, such a brilliant place.

Friday, June 24, 2016

My first European holiday - Spain

After more than a decade I'm finally going on a holiday within Europe, not visiting anybody but just enjoying a holiday to relax, refill my batteries and also enjoying some soccer as the European Championship is happening at the same time.

So, lets go to Spain! Ok, Spain consists of a big mainland as well as lots of islands and the one I wanted to visit is the tiny island of Menorca, the island next to the party island Mallorca. After a comfortable flight I arrived in the morning in Mao which is on the East Coast and I had to travel on the bus to the West Coast which only took an hour, that's how big the island ist, roughly 60 km from the east to the west.

The hotel was a bit disappointing as well as the food that was served, however I could go just anywhere to find delicious food and gorgeous beaches with white sandy and turquois waters. Did I mention I brought my own beach umbrella to Menorca, to protect myself from the sun, because "nothing is healthy about a tan", this phrase still sticks, Aussies will know it!

Exploring the island via car and bicycle was a great idea, and let's be honest catching a Taxi is so affordable to get around, why hoping on a bus! I was swimming up north, downs south, on the east and west coast, did some snorkeling and enjoyed fabulous beaches delicious food and enjoyed treating myself like a princess.

At the end of my stay there was a big festival called "Sant Joan" in Ciutadella, the 2nd largest city of the island, that was celebrated for the past 500 years or so. People from around Spain travel to Menorca for this special occasion and the main attraction are dancing horses as well as horse & knight competitions which take place each year.

After 10 days the holiday was coming to an end, and what can I say....what a fantastic trip, lovely people, gorgeous food, lots to offer for everyone there is something. All I can say I have no hesitation to come back here for more or recommend it to others.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Spirit of Instanbul Festival

I'm interested in any culture, especially food, people and their stories. So this event "Turkish Night" was just perfect for me to pay it a visit and it was so worth it going. I induldged in Turkish food other than the German way of Döner, had some "Raki" a alcoholic Turkish drink and enjoyed Turkish beats & music played by a DJ. On top of the entertainment was a Live act planned and the star was Frida Gold, not so Turkish but still great, fantastic night including food, people and atmosphere.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

The end of winter is near

What a beautiful last winter day we had. No snow anymore, blue sky with a couple of clouds and the sun is shining. Well, the winter is almost over and I'm so welcoming the spring season where nature comes back to life.

So let's go outdoors and enjoy this weather, riding the bike or just walking along the river whatever you feel like, there are plenty of places worth exploring.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

First Visitor - New Apartment

It took a couple of months to furnish the apartment and finish it in time for my first visitors other than my parents. The reason for the catching up at my new place was a trip to Berlin for a motor bike show at the Mercedes Benz Arena. Who was visiting, my long time friends Nancy and her boys.

After a nice afternoon hanging up at the apartment spending some time together, we had to leave for the exciting night out. As I know my way around Berlin I just took Nancy and the boys all the way, dropped them at the entrance and then left, going for a nice walk at night all the way to a restaurant where I had a lovely dinner.

Thanks for visiting and have fun at the show

Monday, February 1, 2016

6 Day Berlin - Velodrom

When you get free V.I.P. tickets to go to see a race, who am I to say I'm not interested. I collected the tickets and after work I was on my way to the Velodrom an indoor track cycling arena that can hold up to 12,000 people.

Anyway, I wasn't sure what to expect as it was the first time attending an indoor cycling race but from the beginning I was pretty impressed with basically everything. It was not just the races and there were plenty of those with international participants, even an Australian made it to the 6 day race here in Berlin. I'm not sure how important this event is for cyclists but the arena was packed with spectators and fans.

Making my way to the inner part of the arena, the VIP section I enjoyed fancy drinks, food, great entertainment and watched the races from there. Later on I made my way to the stands and followed the different types of races and liked it even better from up there. Like I said before I enjoyed myself and would probably come back again as it was a fantastic night.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Happy Australia Day

To celebrate Australia Day my way in Berlin (working) I bought lemonade and biscuits of course Australian made and shared the Tim Tams with my workmates. 

Dressing with an Australian shirt and scarf walking into the Aussie shop in front of my work place with work mates...was I taught them to say "Aussie Aussie Aussie...oi oi oi" which we did. Even the Aussie bloke in the shop had to laugh....I might go there more often just to speak English.
Anyway...I was back in Perth in my thoughts....also checked Facebook a couple of times but hey, I'm here working and that got my full attention.

Happy Australia Day & stay safe

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Australian Café = delicious coffee

If I could only remember the place I had this delicious coffee. I googled it and found the place however trying to remember now where it was and the name of it, damn.

This is an Australian Café in Berlin and the coffee is made by a Australian barista. Why it is so important that a barista makes the coffee, because you can taste the difference.

It can't be too hot and not too cold (lukewarm piss), the frothing of the milk is super important, not too much foam and not just pouring hot milk, the right combo and the coffee is will taste like a dream.

So, in order to get great coffee you'll just have to find an Australian Café, and don't go to STARBUCKS - they know nothing about great tasting coffee, oops....sorry.