Wednesday, August 19, 2015

New Project - wall tatoo

I thought I give myself a couple of weeks to settle back in but still need to keep myself occupied because doing nothing is not for me.

Now that I`m back in Germany, actually I`m in Ferdinandshof the place I grew up and associate lots of happy memories with, I`m onto a new little project, giving my friend Nancy a hand with her renovations. To give the bed room a little something Nancy decided on a wall tatoo.

When the kids went to bed we could finally start and actually finished the job in a couple of hours.  Everything was tidied up followed by some decorating in order to start the foto shooting. Just after midnight we were done.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Finally Home in woop woop

One of the first action I took when I finally arrived home aka woop woop (the girls know), taking my clothes off and diving into the water. What a fantastic sunny day to come home and enjoy the last couple of weeks of summer in Germany before autumn starts again and the fun season comes to an end.


Luckily I packed some summer outfits into the suitcase, perfectly right for weather like this. The temperature hitting the 30 degree mark just like a pretty average Aussie summer day. So far everything is alright....lets see what is next, first I need to settle back in here.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Berlin ist eine Reise wert.....auf geht's

Im Hotel, gut gestärkt zum Frühstück plante ich mir Berlin anzuschauen...heute mal zu Fuß. Gut gelaunt und super Wetter hatte ich auch dabei...los konnte es gehen.

Noch nie hab ich in Berlin Tourist gespielt, das muß sich ändern also habe ich meinen ganzen Tag gewidmet um Sehenswürdigkeiten zu bewundern, die ich ja eigendlich schon kenne und immer wieder gesehen habe, dran vorbei gefahren bin etc.

Also Neu war nichts gewesen aber heute bin ich halt zu Fuss unterewgs gewesen und eine Spreefahrt habe ich auch mit gemacht. Kannst glauben, mit wenig Orientierungssinn kommst auch ans Ziel auf Umwegen und mit viel Gelächter und Kopfschütteln. Zwischendurch gabs Kaffee (durchschnittlich gut/schlecht - zu heiß - zu stark - zu bitter - zu viel Milch etc. - diese Deutschen wissen nichts von guten Kaffee - STIMMT!!! - LOL)

Auf jeden Fall hatte ich einen von mehreren wunderschönen Tagen in Berlin herrlichstes Wetter und super Essen....super Verwöhnprogramm nur für mich! Danke

Hello from the other side...

As many of you already know, I made the decision to go back home, back to Germany where I left nearly 12 years ago to follow my heart.

What an amazing journey, great country and interesting people I've met from all different places and backgrounds, religions and race. I've learnt so much about myself and others, I broadened my horizon and I'm grateful for everything - thank you for the opportunity, the fun, the tears, the friends I've made and for all the support.

For now, I'm turning my back to Australia...and welcome a new chapter in my life, I'm looking forward to what Germany has to offer what it's like living and working in I've heard so many great things about it.'s time to start writing again (in English) this Blog after a break while I was finding myself and getting settled into my new environment and new home. 

Welcome back....back in Germany

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Last day in Perth - till we meet again

Toughest decision ever, to leave Perth to go back to Germany....where to, I don't know....let's see where I end up. To spend the last day I decided to go to one of my favourite beaches "Sorrento" and with me was David, he took that day off from work, thank you. For the first time in 12 Years I actually bought souvenirs for myself. In the evening David dropped me off at the Airport one more time. It's not a good bye just a "see you later".

And believe me David, we will see each other again, I'm sure of that.