Saturday, December 5, 2009

Finance - Christmas Drinks

Casual Friday, casual attitude, casual dress style...that's how I end up going to work on fridays. I forgot that we were going out for drinks after work and I was dressed totally inappropriate. Even my work mates commented negativ about my outfit - thanks guys...let's see!

Well, I took the opportunity to go shopping in my lunch break and after only one and a half hours I was perfectly styled and dressed. I felt a lot better spending some money on myself for new clothes and heels. The make up was free as I tested everything in the beauty department that was available. I did a good job!!!

Late afternoon we went to one of the fancy pubs, I was so glad that I bought new I really fit in...just imagine I would have gone in my not so fancy dress style...just like last year...don't you feel like you don't belong there?

Some awards were given to some of our staff for something special they've done over the last 6 months...this time I missed out but Terri my boss got one!!!

The food was so delicious...I could not get enough of it...yummy - and we had plenty to drink. At the end of the night I took the Cab to get home as it is a lot safer than catching the train...I had a great night...also at work everyone got a Christmas present from our Finance Boss.

Sorry das ich in Englisch schreibe, aber manchmal ist es einfacher in Englisch zu schreiben und ich bin sicher nach 6 Jahren, mein Englisch ist immer noch nicht perfekt, aber wer ist schon perfekt? Ausserdem koennt ihr mich ja auf meine Grammatik-und Rechtschreibfehler drauf aufmerksam machen!!! Viel Spass...

Es wurden auch viele Fotos geschossen aber nicht so viele von mir, hoffe das ich ein paar organisieren kann um hier hochzuladen...

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