Saturday, April 13, 2024

Our Friend Rupert aka "Schnupi"

For roughly three years a friend called Rupert, we call him Rupert, is paying us regular visits. At first, he showed up every now and then and later he hung out at our back yard more frequently and it became a habit and soon it was a daily thing. I guess Schnupi fell in love with us and our home.

I must say, we did not feed him for at least the first 6 months. Not that I dared to start feeding our friend. I only spent time with him, he sat on my lab, me petting him.
What we didn't know, Rupert had already a home and the owner regularly looked for him till they found Schnupi at our place. We also found out that Schnupi was actually called Gonzo.

We did everything possible to ignore him, turn him away, driving him home, the owner picking him up, nothing worked. I guess, Rupert chose us and our place to be his new home.

Finally, almost two years and some dramas and disappearances later we have officially adopted our friend Rupert, who is now a part of our household and part of this family. 

"Welcome to her family"

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