Monday, January 22, 2018

Finally - Going to the Movies

Being back in Germany more than 2 years I still have not been to the movies over here. One reason is the language (I prefer watching US movies etc. in English than synchronised German) the other one is that not around each corner over here are movie theatres. But hey, I shouldn't complain the next one is just 30 minutes away.

I was actually quite shocked how pricy it is over here watching a movie as well as buying snacks at the candy bar, luckily we had a voucher. The great thing about going to the movies on a Monday evening 5.20 pm, its empty and it felt almost like a private session. I guess the next movie is not too far away not waiting another 2 years being back to the movies.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

New Year - New Project

The new year brings new challenges, adventures and projects which we will tackle. One of the first jobs around the house is the entry to be tiled. The tiles were picked at a local warehouse which is not far from the house. It took only three days from start to finish and I guess it looks pretty good considering Tobi is not a tiler.

By the way, to decide on the colour of the grouts we had some arguments but in the end I got it my way. Believe it or not, Tobi likes the colour I chose, he was actually impressed with the end result. One more detail is missing the skirting boards, but that will be another small project which will be done hopefully in the near future.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

First Trip in 2018 - Greifswald - Utkiek

To take it a bit easier on the first weekend of the new year we decided on visiting my home village Ferdinandshof where my brother and the kids spend time with my parents, the kid's grand parents. From there we just traveled a little bit further and reached the city of Greifswald, known in Germany for it's University.

The reason we went to Greifswald, I wanted to check out the hotel I was once working and of course having a nice meal for lunch and we did not get disappointed. I can't believe this is now 20 years ago but time really flies.

To finish our trip we just walked for a while along the water. Even in winter it is a quite but nice place however not to compare with the summertime and the beauty of the water, boats, nature and people.