Saturday, July 29, 2006

Blumen von David

Heute ging es mir echt beschissen, erst bin ich nicht aus dem Bett gekommen und dann kurz vor der Arbeit hatte ich noch Probleme mit dem Magen - meine Güte.

Blumen von David

Aber David hat mir eine kleine Überraschung gemacht, erst hat er die Bude aufgeräumt - ich war total begeistert und dann hat er mir noch einen wunderschönen Frühlingsblumenstrauß mitgebracht. Da ging es mir gleich ein bischen besser...

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Busy - looking for a job

I've just started looking for a job and I'm very occupied with sending applications to all sorts of companies. Sometimes I get back an answer with the words, sorry...

But I'm optimistic and hope that I will find something in the near future. I'll keep looking and applying. I let you know if a positions comes up or if I'll get invited for an interview.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Back to TAFE

On Tuesday I will be back at TAFE to study my final subtject and hopefully I will complete my Certificate IV by the end of November. The subject is about Business Tax/GST.

Saturday, July 8, 2006

New Car - Holden

Holden Barina

We've just bought a new car for me, a "Holden Barina" - Australian car. It is similar to the "Opel Corsa" in Germany, they just call it different. It is a small car but I only need it to go to the train station, shopping center and work...

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I'm so happy that I don't have an Asian car. I can't help it but Asian cars are not my favorites so I'm glad to have an Australian car. A German car would be just perfect but I might have to wait a little longer but one day...

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